
Miles of Smiles Directional Company - Berkshire Maps

International Association of Visitor Information Providers

Take the Brochure Design Tips Test!

Read each item on the list and check the box if it is true for your brochure. Then click submit to get your score.

Brochure Design Tips Test!


Does your brochure title include what your business is/what you do?
Is the brochure title easily legible from over three feet away?
Is the brochure title located in the top 2.5 inches of the brochure?
Is the brochure heading also printed on the back of the brochure?


Is the weight of the brochure sufficient to ensure that it does not 'flop over' when displayed in a display rack?
Is the brochure printed on quality paper or stock?
Does the quality of the paper add to the overall appeal of your product?


Is the brochure content in a vertical layout format?
Does the brochure content read well? (ask a customer to give an honest answer)
Is the brochure content easily understood? (consider non-native English readers)
Does the brochure contain key contact details, i.e. full street address, phone and fax, email and web?
Does the brochure contain a visual map and/or clear instructions of how to get to your premises? (drive or walk the route yourself using only the information you provide on your brochure)
Does the content include any awards or achievements the business has won?
Is the information on the brochure clear and concise?
Is the information on the brochure up-to-date?


Are the images clear and easy to interepret?
Do the images portray the business to its best advantage (how many hotel's pictures are taken in the rain)?
Are the images relevent to your product or service?
Do the images entice readers to visit the business?


Is your graphic design appealing and eye-catching?